Courtney's Story

Courtney’s Story

headspace Work & Study Client

Courtney*, aged 20, joined headspace Onkaparinga’s Work & Study program in 2021.

At the time of Courtney’s referral, she explained that she was eager to find employment but had been put off previous job roles due to challenges with balancing her health and work.
Lynn was selected as Courtney’s Employment Specialist. Lynn worked closely with Courtney to explore different career options and carefully consider the impact of each on her health barriers.

Lynn supported Courtney to have a high-quality resume and cover letter ready to apply for job roles. After Lynn had supported Courtney to explore different career options, Courtney decided that she was interested in securing a part time position in a retail store.

Courtney applied and was successful in obtaining a role as a retail assistant in a fashion store.

Lynn continues to provide on-the-job support to Courtney as she continues in her new role to ensure work is still going well and to also provide advice and support with Centrelink and engagement with her Disability Employment Services Provider.

*Name has been changed to protect privacy

Get job ready, today

headspace Onkaparinga Work & Study offers support for people under the age of 25.

Our Employment Specialists will provide one on one support to help you find work. They will work with you to guide you along the entire journey both before and after you gain employment.

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