If you have any suggestions about how we can improve our service, we’d love to hear them
Sonder values your feedback and welcomes compliments, suggestions and complaints to help us to improve our services.
We respond to feedback directly to resolve issues in a timely manner and will keep you up to date on any actions we take as a result of your feedback.
You can provide feedback in several ways:
- Feedback form: Complete our Online Feedback Form
- Face-to-face: Speak directly to your worker or another Sonder staff member
- Email: feedback@sonder.net.au
- Phone: (08) 8209 0700
- Letter: Sonder, PO Box 421 Elizabeth SA 5112
Feedback Brochure Easy English Feedback Brochure
If you need assistance in providing feedback, we are able to help you
If English is not your first language, we can organise an interpreter if you need one.
If you have a hearing or speech impairment National Relay Service can help you with your call to Sonder.
- Speak and Listen 1300 555 727
- TTY 133677
- SMS relay number 0423 677 767
You may also seek support from family, a friend, or an independent advocate at any stage of the feedback process. If you would like to know more about independent organisations that assist with consumer advocacy, please follow the link below.
What to expect from the process
- Sonder will respond to your complaint in a fair, timely and unbiased way.
- We will receive your complaint in good faith and you will not be disadvantaged in any way as a result of making a complaint.
- Any necessary actions to resolve the issue will be carried out to the best of our ability and we will always work with you to try and find a satisfactory resolution.
- Feedback and complaints are treated respectfully and confidentially. You can remain anonymous if you want to. We will only involve relevant staff members as required to resolve issues.
- Depending on the nature of your feedback, the matter may be resolved immediately. It may take longer to resolve if we need to make further enquiries or if your feedback relates to a more complex issue.
How to submit a complaint to an external agency
If you don’t want to make your complaint to Sonder, we can support you to make a complaint to an external organisation including, but not limited to:
- NDIS Quality and Safeguarding Commission | Phone 1800 035 544
- Ombudsman S.A. | Phone (08) 7322 7020
- Carers S.A. | Phone 1800 422 737
- Office of the Chief Psychiatrist | Phone (08) 8226 1091
- The Australian Competition and Consumer Commission (ACCC) | Phone 1300 302 502
- Australian Human Rights Commission | Phone 1300 369 711
- National Mental Health Care Commission | Phone (02) 8229 7550
- Health and Community Services Complaints Commissioner | Phone 1800 232 007