Update on Sonder’s emerge program for young people
Sonder’s emerge program provides clinical care coordination, psychological therapy, psychiatry, functional recovery and peer work to young people aged 16-25 years experiencing severe and complex mental illness.
The program, commissioned by the Adelaide Primary Health Network (APHN), is delivered from locations in Adelaide’s Northern and Southern metropolitan regions at headspace Edinburgh North, headspace Marion and a location proximal to headspace Onkaparinga.
Sonder’s emerge program is the only service in the Adelaide Northern and South metropolitan region providing wrap around supports specifically for this “missing middle” cohort of young people. Over the past three years, the service has experienced significant demand, delivering over 50,000 occasions of service to over 1,400 young people.
The emerge program is currently undergoing a recommissioning process. This means agencies have applied to be the lead agency of a new model Youth Enhancing Service (YES) as of July 1, 2023. The applications closed in Dec 2023 and Sonder has submitted an application. We expect to hear the outcome of the application process in March 2023. You can read more about Adelaide PHN’s commissioning cycles in Adelaide PHN’s Commissioning Handbook
As part of the standard recommissioning process, Adelaide PHN and Sonder have made the collaborative decision to prioritise the care of young people currently accessing emerge or currently waitlisted for receiving support for emerge by June 2023, with the intention that the preferred provider can commence the YES program as of July 1st 2023 without waitlists. This allows the new program to be in the best position to provide timely and effective care.
Specifically, as of 10 February, 2023, we will be unable to accept referrals into the emerge program. Any young people accepted into emerge and awaiting services will be informed of the changes over the coming months and emerge will work with the young person to identify suitable care options.
Sonder’s emerge program will continue to provide much-needed services for young people who are currently engaged in care up until June 30 2023.
This does not affect Sonder’s headspace services (for young people with mild-moderate mental illness) in the Northern, Southern and Adelaide regions.
If you have any queries, please contact Jessica Johnson, Operations Lead at emerge North at jjohnson@sonder.net.au or Eloisa Steen, Clinical Lead at emerge South at esteen@sonder.net.au
Frequently Asked Questions
What is the emerge program?
Sonder’s emerge program provides clinical care coordination, psychological therapy, peer work, functional recovery support, GP and Psychiatry services to young people aged 16-25 years experiencing severe mental illness with significant functional impairment and/or risk factors. It is delivered from headspace Edinburgh North (Emerge North), and headspace Marion and an office proximal to headspace Onkaparinga (Emerge South).
What are the changes?
Due to APHN recommissioning, Sonder emerge service will end June 30 2023. Emerge is no longer able to accept referrals into the program.
What does this mean for young people who have been referred to the program?
All young people already receiving care in Sonder’s emerge program will continue to receive psychological therapy services, although the duration of treatment may be reduced. Sonder will be working with young people have been waiting for psychological therapies to identify suitable care options for them during this time.
Can I still refer?
No. Please contact the Adelaide PHN’s Mental Health Enquiry Line on 1300 898 213 for alternative service options.