Razia's Story

Razia’s Story

Employment Solutions Client

When I came to Australia, I had to start my career from the very beginning and it was hard to find work. I think sometimes employers see that I am wearing a scarf, they hear that English is my second language, and they know that I am not from here.

Razia speaks of the discrimination she has experienced while looking for work.

When Razia came to Australia, she brought with her a rich professional background – first working in Medical Imaging within hospitals, then becoming involved with the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees.

As Razia’s qualifications were not recognised in Australia, she needed to return to study to recommence work in the field of medicine. For several years she studied to be admitted into a nursing degree at university, all the while working in part-time roles. Razia felt it was very difficult to have to start her career from the very beginning.

Razia joined the program having just received an offer to start a Bachelor of Nursing, hoping to form a plan to reach her goals.

After talking with her Career Coach, she decided that a course in pathology collection could kick start her career.

Throughout her placement, she and her Career Coach worked closely together as Razia built professional connections.

She used this experience to secure an interview straight after her placement, and is now working as a Phlebotomist.

By recognising the unique skills and knowledge of migrants and refugees, workplaces can be enriched with diverse perspectives and improve connections with the whole community.

Get job ready, today

Career Coaches in our Employment Solutions program will guide you along the entire journey towards employment, including supporting you with job searching, writing resumes and preparing for interviews.

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