Balancing work, study and life with headspace

Balancing work, study, and life with headspace

Jade’s story

Many young people experience extra stress during the final years of school with study pressures and new social challenges.

When Jade started Year 11, she found it difficult to find the motivation to attend school. Both her parents and friends noticed she was struggling with low self-esteem and regulating emotions. Jade bravely reached out for help at headspace Onkaparinga and has never looked back.

Integrated care at headspace Onkaparinga

After taking the time to understand Jade’s needs and goals, the team at headspace Onkaparinga organised appointments for her with a mental health clinician, peer practitioner and employment specialist.

At headspace Onkaparinga, young people can access employment support through the Work & Study program alongside mental and physical health services. This service integration helps address multiple aspects of a young person’s life and is one of the unique services on offer at this centre.

Clinician, Nadine, and peer practitioner, Sean, supported Jade in addressing her mental health barriers and building the skills she needs to cope with life’s challenges. At the same time, Jade was able to work towards becoming more independent with the support of her employment specialist, Ruth.

Jade’s employment support experience

Ruth, a passionate employment specialist, has been committed to supporting Jade from the beginning of their relationship. Reflecting on their early interactions, Ruth said “We built a relationship with honest communication and active listening. Trust was quickly formed between us as Jade realised that I was here for her – to support and encourage her on her journey.”

Ruth focused on Jade’s personal work and study aspirations: “This is her future, her goals,” Ruth emphasised. Jade wanted a casual job close to home that would fit around her school schedule. She was also determined to increase her attendance at school, complete Year 12, and achieve her SACE.

Ruth collaborated with Jade to prepare her for the workforce through a comprehensive process. They created a resume, cover letter, and Seek profile, discussed interview tips, practiced mock interviews, met with employers, and completed online applications.

With this significant progress, Jade was offered an interview at KFC and successfully gained employment. “Jade was fantastic in her interview, despite being a little nervous and anxious,” Ruth said.

Balancing work, study and life

After four weeks of training, Jade now works the front counter in a customer service role at KFC. This hands-on experience at KFC is providing her with valuable skills that are transferrable to any industry. Jade is happy to be earning her own money and to have made new friends at work. She looks forward to every shift!

With Ruth’s support, Jade’s school attendance has increased from 50% to 95%, and she is on top of her studies. Next year, she looks forward to undertaking a Certificate III in Retail with her new employer. This certificate will count towards her SACE, putting her on the right track to completing Year 12.

Thriving with continued support

Jade has enjoyed her experience with the Work & Study program thanks to Ruth’s compassion, understanding and patience. Jade commented, “Ruth supports me like an older sibling. With Ruth, I have control over my own choices and can go at my own pace. I would not be where I am today without her support and encouragement.”

They continue to catch up every fortnight to check in on how Jade is managing the exciting balance of work, study and life.

Looking for work?

If you’re aged between 12-25, headspace Edinburgh North and headspace Onkaparinga can help you balance work, study and life commitments.

Our team know what’s happening in your local area and can provide advice on study options, jobs and training.

Everything is private and confidential. And there’s absolutely no cost.

Learn more