Adult Wellbeing
Psychological therapy for people with mild to moderate mental health concerns.
Therapeutic counselling for people living in select residential aged care facilities across Gawler-Barossa
If you are living in a residential aged care facility, and are feeling more nervous or worried than usual, know that you are not alone.
Our Residential Wellbeing program provides therapeutic counselling for free and aims to help you cope with the challenges of living in a residential facility and improve your quality of life.
Our Residential Wellbeing program is available at select aged care facilities throughout the Gawler-Barrosa region.
At your appointment, the Mental Health Clinician will speak privately with you in your room or another confidential space provided by the facility.
Most people who access this service find that after 5-10 appointments, they have developed strategies that will support their wellbeing.
The Residential Wellbeing team is made up of highly skilled and experienced mental health clinicians including; Psychologists, Mental Health Accredited Social Workers and Mental Health Nurses.
Our team will ensure you receive the most appropriate service to meet your needs.
The Residential Wellbeing program is available to residents in select aged care facilities throughout the Gawler-Barossa region including; Barossa Village Residency, Tanunda Lutheran Homes, Calvary Trevu House, Southern Cross Care – Bellevue Court, Wheatfields and Gawler Grande Views Aged Care.
To access the service, you can refer yourself directly by calling Sonder on (08) 8209 0710. Alternatively, you can ask your GP, family member, friend or staff member at your facility to make contact with us on your behalf.
Please ask a staff member at your facility about the referral process and they will be able to provide you with a referral form to complete.
Psychological therapy for people with mild to moderate mental health concerns.
Psychological therapy for people with mild to moderate mental health concerns.
This service is supported by funding from the Country SA Primary Health Network through the Australian Government’s PHN Program.