Always Was, Always Will Be Aboriginal Land

Always was, always will be Aboriginal land

Celebrating NAIDOC Week

This week at Sonder, we are celebrating NAIDOC Week, which is taking place from November 8th to November 15th.

NAIDOC Week is a time to celebrate Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander culture, histories and achievements.

This year’s theme is ALWAYS WAS, ALWAYS WILL BE’ and recognises that First Nations people have occupied and cared for this continent for over 65,000 years.

Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people were Australia’s first explorers, first navigators, first engineers, first farmers, first botanists, first scientists, first diplomats, first astronomers and first artists.

The First Peoples engraved the world’s first maps, made the earliest paintings of ceremony and invented unique technologies.

This year’s theme encourages people to see, hear and learn about the First Nations’ 65,000 + year history with this land.

Rachel Tait is a proud Arrernte woman and works as a Team Leader in Sonder’s Closing the Gap program. Rachel comments

Land is of great significance to Aboriginal people. For First Nations people, “country” encompasses and interdependent relationship between an individual and their ancestral lands and seas.

“Country” does not just refer to creeks, hills and waterholes. It incorporates people, plants and animals. It embraces the seasons, stories and creation spirits. “Country” is both a place of belonging and a way of believing.

We asked some of the team at Sonder to explain what country means to them, personally.

Rachel explains,

To me, country is my home, it’s where my heart is, regardless of where I am living. It’s our source of culture, language, traditions and dreamings that nurture us and are a part of us. Living away from my country, I often feel the strong pull to return, reconnect and re-energize.

Schania Czygan, Indigenous Health Project Officer and proud Kuku Yalanji woman adds,

Walking on my country, fishing and swimming in rainforest streams or the ocean coral cays; strengthens my spiritual connection with my Ancestors, as I feel enveloped by their power,

At Sonder, we deliver services to clients across many Aboriginal country regions, including Kaurna, Peramangk, Kaurna, Narangga, Nukunu and Ngadjuri.

Take a look at this map of Aboriginal Australia and find where you live.

Celebrating NAIDOC Week

Across South Australia, there are plenty of events taking place throughout the week that you can be involved in to celebrate the history, culture and achievements of Aboriginal people.

Visit for a list of events happening near you.

Looking for support?

The week’s celebrations provide us with an opportunity for everyone in Australia to reflect on – and make a priority – the social and emotional wellbeing of Aboriginal Australians.

If you are an Aboriginal person, looking for some extra support, Sonder can help.

If you have a lot going on and need someone to talk to, seek a referral to our mental health services and get quality support from Aboriginal Peer Workers.

Looking to improve your fitness and nutrition? Our Aboriginal Program Facilitators in our 8 week program, PACE will work with you to increase your knowledge and confidence in exercise and nutrition within a fun, inclusive and supportive team environment.

Aboriginal people with a chronic condition can receive support from a team of Outreach Workers and Coordinators in our Closing the Gap program.

Our team will work with you to help you navigate the healthcare system and better manage your chronic condition.

Get in touch today on (08) 8209 0700 and chat to one of our friendly team members about how we can help.