Safe Haven

Walk-in mental health service in Salisbury offering immediate support - no referral, appointment, or Medicare card required.

Feeling overwhelmed or distressed?

Drop into Safe Haven for a chat about whatever is troubling you, a cup of tea or coffee, or to simply hang out!

Located at 9 John Street, Salisbury SA

If you need someone to talk to or some information about mental health services, Safe Haven can help.

Safe Haven is a friendly, compassionate and non-judgmental place where everyone is welcome.

Staff at Safe Haven have their own personal lived experiences of mental health challenges and can offer an understanding ear about whatever is troubling you.

The service is free, drop-ins are encouraged and no appointment is necessary.

What to expect

  • Friendly, welcoming and warm environment

    Anyone seeking mental health support, including your family, friends and carers are welcome at Safe Haven.

  • Support from people who understand

    You can talk to Peer Practitioners who have lived experience of mental health challenges and understand how you might be feeling.

  • Connections to other services

    Staff can provide referrals to ongoing mental health support services and connect you with community services.

  • No appointment or referral required

    Simply drop-in and access immediate support. No need to make an appointment or seek a referral. Safe Haven is free and confidential.

Accessing this service

Who is Safe Haven for?

Safe Haven is for anyone over the age of 16 looking for support around issues that are impacting their wellbeing such as emotional distress, social isolation or feelings of being overwhelmed.

If you don’t feel like chatting with someone, you can spend time in a quiet space, listen to music, enjoy refreshments and relax in a comfortable environment.

What happens at Safe Haven?

You can choose what works for you:

  • Talk to one of the Peer Practitioners
  • Grab a drink e.g. tea/coffee
  • Read a book, listen to music, play games or just relax
  • Access safety planning and recovery planning
  • Get connections to other services for ongoing support

Who can I see at Safe Haven?

Staff at Safe Haven are specifically trained Peer Practitioners who have their own personal lived experience of mental health challenges.

Peer Practitioners work with guests one-on-one to offer support and help them to process whatever is troubling them, as well as provide information and linkages to other available services.

Location and opening hours

Safe Haven is open Tuesday – Friday from 5 pm to 9 pm.

The service is located at 9 John Street, Salisbury SA.

Drop-ins are encouraged and no appointment is necessary.

You are welcome to visit Safe Haven as often as you need.

To contact Safe Haven, call (08) 8209 0700

Find us

About Safe Haven

Safe Havens have been established across Australia to provide non-clinical, welcoming spaces where people experiencing distress can access support, as an alternative to visiting a hospital emergency department.

Sonder’s Safe Haven at Salisbury is South Australia’s first Safe Haven. The space and service model has been designed in partnership with people who have been through tough times themselves and understand what does and doesn’t work.

Sonder’s Safe Haven is guest-led, meaning that each guest is supported to choose supports based on their own preferences and recovery needs.

For Mental Health Emergencies Call 000

If you are experiencing an emergency, please contact 000

Emergency and crisis support